Whether you celebrate with pink and red sprinkles, exchanging cards, attending a retreat or conference, a special date, or not at all, I hope that each heart shape you see brings a smile to your face today.
I love the cheerful spirit of this holiday and the arts and crafts it inspires. One happy childhood memory is when my mom purchased the Valentine’s card craft kit from the Current catalog for me. I eagerly spent days preparing valentines for my elementary school class. Inspired, in subsequent years I handmade other valentines and intricate paper cut hearts. Remembering those sweet hours and the creations that resulted, I can honestly say nothing significant has changed: I love making things for people and I love sending my creations in the mail.
Five valetines from me to you:
This Cold War-era ballet novel, by my friend Elyse, coming out next Tuesday.
This 40 min. interview with Rick Steves about travel, in which he gives a definition for what it means to be a pilgrim.
This 5-ingredient hearty soup recipe, just right for our Portland snow day today.
This collection of bird feeder live-cams. I’m watching a sparrow bully dark-eyed juncos at my own bird-feeder right now.
Looking forward to…
…traveling on two unique pilgrimage itineraries this year with my friend and colleague, Timothy Patitsas. Come be a pilgrim with us!